Superior Entertainment Center

Bowling, Arcade, Local Food and Beverages

Full bar and food menu available during Tap Room hours.

Beer and Liquor

Bowling.  Beer.  Should we even say more?

Perhaps a little more.  Because what's better than beer is great beer: quality, craft beer, each keg of which is brought to our taproom for a reason.  Although we have brought in a few domestics, the majority of our 24 taps are craft.

  • Produced locally

Please note that beer, wine, and liquor is only available during hours the Taproom is open

Local Beer

Reducing our Carbon Footprint
Buyers seeking to “buy local” often measure only the distance from point of origin to end location. However, this measurement does not accurately reflect the complexity of distribution routes.  In our quest to reduce the carbon footprint of our beer purchases, we chose to measure “beer miles:” the total distance a keg travels to reach our tap.  This generally includes travel from the brewery to a distribution hub, to our distributor’s warehouse, to us.  The Beer Miles Map shows the beer miles of a few of our favorite breweries.


Beyond 500 Beer

Beer miles are an easy way to measure the impact of our purchases on the environment, but they are only part of the overall picture.  Many breweries have taken such significant steps to enact positive social and environmental change that we believe they are worth supporting, regardless of miles traveled to reach us.  Our “Beyond 500” Breweries include:

  • Reduce water used in brewing

  • Reduce emissions and packaging

  • Divert 99.9% of waste from landfill

  • Source products from ethical & environmentally responsible companies

  • Donate millions of dollars through grants

  • Organize employee volunteer programs

Great Lakes Brewing Co., 
Cleveland, OH

  • 16,000 square foot organic farm

  • Delivery truck and shuttle bus run on vegetable oil

  • Spent brewery grain is given to local farmers for use as animal feed

  • Utilize solar energy at the brewpub

  • Donate hundreds of thousands of dollars through grants

Alaskan Brewing Co.,
Juneau, AK

  • CO2 reclamation system prevents over 1 million pounds from being released into the atmosphere annually

  • Spent brewery grain powers the facility’s boiler

  • Reduce water, malt and hops used in brewing

  • Provide grant funding for sustainable ocean preservation